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Stop the Bleed is a national awareness campaign and call-to-action that intends to educate bystanders in how to act in a life-threatening bleeding emergency before professional help can arrive. A UTD UEMR member instructs a student during a Stop the Bleed workshop.
University Emergency Medical Response (UEMR) teaches Stop the Bleed workshops free of charge to UTD students, faculty and staff. The workshop includes a hands-on skills portion that allows everyone to practice tourniquet application, wound packing and other skills.
Our fundraising goal is $1,500. This money will be used to buy and update equipment used during the hands-on portion of our trainings. Updating our supply of tourniquets, bleeding models, mannequins, gauze and fake blood will allow for a more realistic, educational simulation of life-threatening bleeding.
About University Emergency Medical Response
UEMR is a 501(c)3 non-profit first reponder organization and EMS education agency contracted by UT Dallas to provide medical and educational services. UEMR has two divisions: EMS Operations and EMS Education.
The EMS Operations division a registered first responder organization with professionally trained students, faculty and staff EMS volunteers. UEMR provides 24/7 emergency medical care to a university campus of more than 30,000 students, faculty and staff. In life-threatening emergencies, seconds save lives. UEMR shortens response time and increases the accessibility of care for members of the UT Dallas community.
The Education Division is approved by the Texas Department of State Health Services to conduct initial training programs for EMS personnel in Texas. UEMR is able to certify new EMTs to become licensed providers. Currently, UEMR offers a number of EMT courses each semester, as well as an annual Advanced EMT course.