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Project Yucatán

Raised toward our $1,750 Goal
16 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 15, at 12:00 AM CDT
Project Owners

Project Yucatán: Supporting Hearing Health in Mayan Communities


Project Yucatán takes UTD audiology faculty and students into the rural villages of the Yucatán peninsula in Mexico, where we provide hearing testing, ear canal cleaning and hearing-health education to hundreds of children and adults. Our students gain intensive practice that advances their skills as hearing health care providers.  

 Our previous participants say:  

 “…an amazing experience where we got to provide audiological services to children and adults throughout the Yucatán peninsula.”

 “I hope to return to Yucatán and to provide services in other underserved areas throughout my career.”

 “The individuals we partnered with in Yucatán were incredibly supportive and made the experience both educational and enjoyable.”  

How your donations can help:  

Your donations will help UTD continue to promote hearing-health within the Yucatán peninsula and change the lives of the UTD students who participate. Donations are instrumental in our ability purchase supplies used in our work. Donations also help offset the travel expenses for UTD students participating in Project Yucatán 2025.

For example: 

$10 will pay for one box of gloves.   

$50 will pay for one light source needed for ear canal cleaning.   

$100 will pay for five packs of ear tips needed for testing 250 people.   

$500 will pay for the cost of a roundtrip ticket for one student. 

Our goal is to raise $ 1,750 to be able to purchase supplies and assist each student with their travel costs. If we can exceed our goal, we will put the money toward the purchase of new portable equipment for infant testing and increase the travel support for our students. Project Yucatán has enhanced the reputation of the (No. #3 nationally ranked) audiology program at UT Dallas, and your support will help sustain that impact.

A person measuring a child's temperature

Description automatically generatedOur history:

Beginning in 2003 with four students from the University of Florida, Project Yucatán has expanded to include UT Dallas and the University of Oklahoma, as well as additional disciplines, such as medicine, pharmacy and speech-language pathology. From the beginning, we have collaborated with the Yucatecan Association for the Hearing Impaired (AYPRODA), a local nonprofit organization that supports families of children with hearing loss. Over the years, Project Yucatán has provided AYPRODA with evidence of the prevalence of hearing loss among the Mayan population. AYPRODA has used that evidence to take steps to address the challenge of untreated hearing loss, including genetic studies to identify sources of hearing loss and expanding care available to children in the region.