© 2025 The University of Texas at Dallas, All Rights Reserved
Wow! I can't express my gratitude enough to all of the supporters who have donated so far! You've truly inspired us and shown us how important our cause is to everyone in the community. Please know you have our heartfelt thanks and appreciation!
But it doesn't stop here! We need to keep going. One of the things that Mentor MAPS will help students deal with is bullying and school victimization. Every day, between 30% and 50% of students report being the victim of bullying. In my research on bullying among youth, I have found that supportive peers and adults can help make a big difference in a student's life, improving their school experience and increasing the odds that they complete their education. Mentor MAPS will be teaching resilience skills to high school students to help them learn how to mitigate the effects of bullying and also how to engage in school for a fun and worthwhile experience.
Help us help them! Let's make every student a successful students!
And don't forget to tell friends, family, and colleagues to join the mentoring movement. Let's revolutionize youth mentoring!
#Impact UTD
The support we have received so far is fantastic! To date, we are just shy of $2000 of our $11000 goal. It’s amazing and wonderful to see so many people committed to making Mentor MAPS a reality! With your generous help, we will be able to create a state of the art online mentoring system to connect local high school students with UTD college mentors. Our website will usher in the next generation of mentoring, helping students with skill based and social competencies for a successful high school experience!
Help us help them! Let's make every student a successful students!
And don't forget to tell friends, family, and colleagues to join the mentoring movement. Let's revolutionize youth mentoring!
#Impact UTD
I just want to thank everyone for their continued support throughout our campaign! We are making remarkable strides in our fundraising goal for MentorMAPS and it's all because of the help and support we've gotten from you!
But we're not done yet - we are in the final 48 hours of our campaign and we are asking for your continued support through the final stages. Please consider passing along our links to friends, family, and colleagues who may also be interested in MentorMAPS and our revolutionary new approach to helping at-risk students succeed.
Our success is their success! Join the movement!