© 2025 The University of Texas at Dallas, All Rights Reserved
Your gift of $25 will help supply an updated LGBTQ-related book, movie, or magazine to the LEAP resource library.
Your gift of $50 will help two students receive training at SAFE ZONE Ally Training or Advanced SAFE ZONE Dialogue.
Your gift of $100 will help to support scholarships similar to the Keith-Huckaba Student Support Fund, which awards an annual scholarship to students who provide LGBTQA advocacy or support.
Your gift of $250 will help to support celebration of national days of recognition, such as National Coming Out Day, National Day of Silence, etc.
Your gift of $500 will help us honor all of our LBGTQA graduates of UT Dallas during our annual Lavender Graduation Celebration.
Your gift of $1000 will help provide one week of room/board, educational program materials and meals for one student who attends the national Camp Pride Summer Leadership Camp.